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Sample Packs
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Moderatorji: Admin, David
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jun 02 2006, 11:33
Registriran član #687
Pridružen: jan 14 2004, 10:14

Sporočila: 1600
če bi vedo kak nebi bil problem, samo vsega pa tuid nene vem.

[ Urejeno jun 02 2006, 11:33 ]
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D.Z. Shark
avg 01 2006, 16:10
Registriran član #930
Pridružen: mar 26 2004, 16:29

Sporočila: 4020
Huh to so pa razni vst-ji... Mogoče so pa tud iz kakih hardware plugin-ov, sam tega nikol nebo izvedli....

[ Urejeno avg 01 2006, 16:10 ]
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Spletna stran
avg 29 2006, 21:28
Registriran član #931
Pridružen: mar 26 2004, 20:44

Sporočila: 617
so tudi kaki voice sempli?
sem probal par linkov, pa mi sploh ne odpre...

[ Urejeno avg 29 2006, 21:28 ]
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avg 29 2006, 22:55
Registriran član #4443
Pridružen: avg 29 2006, 20:15

Sporočila: 8
a bi loh kdo kak vsaj mini pack navrgu (sam samplei-torej inątrumenti-pa brez drumz... :D)

[ Urejeno avg 29 2006, 22:55 ]
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sep 06 2006, 19:21
Registriran član #4440
Pridružen: avg 28 2006, 22:47

Lokacija: MS G.Radgona
Sporočila: 460

Ve mogoče kdo, kje bi se dalo dobit kakšne sample za produkcijo schranza in techna?

lp, hvala za odgovor!

[ Urejeno sep 06 2006, 19:21 ]
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DJ Mad Fish
sep 07 2006, 01:41
Registriran član #52
Pridružen: jul 18 2003, 17:49

Lokacija: Maribor
Sporočila: 6209
Zahtevani izdelek ne obstaja!!!
 Spoštovani kupci, obveščamo vas, da so cene v drugi valuti preračunane po tečaju zamenjave 1 EUR = 239,640 SIT.

[ Urejeno sep 07 2006, 01:41 ]
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Silent Eagle
sep 10 2006, 21:09
Registriran član #4406
Pridružen: avg 12 2006, 19:15

Sporočila: 29

Vengeance Essential Clubsounds Vol. 1

Sample CD mit 2500 hochqualitativen Clubsounds von Manuel Schleis & Manuel Reuter.

Erhältlich über:

mp3 Demo hören

Vengeance Essential Clubsounds Vol. 2
Sample CD mit 2500 hochqualitativen Clubsounds von Manuel Schleis & Manuel Reuter.

Erhältlich über:

mp3 Demo hören

Vengeance Effects Vol. 1

Sample CD mit über 750 superben Effektsounds für moderne Clubproduktionen.

Vengeance Ultimate Bass

750 Club-Bässe, die die Tanzflächen zum beben bringen!

Vengeance Essential House Vol.1

2400 Topaktuelle Housesounds, für alle die in der House-Liga ganz oben mitspielen wollen...

Für die Leadsounds in meinen Tracks benutze ich: www.vengeance-sound.com !

Silent Eagle2006-9-10 20:10:48

[ Urejeno sep 10 2006, 21:09 ]
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nov 16 2006, 19:46
Registriran član #4608
Pridružen: nov 03 2006, 13:49

Sporočila: 13
mene pa zanima kje bi lahko dobil kakšne sample harmonike za FL studio 6
JaRaNe2006-11-16 19:46:43

[ Urejeno nov 16 2006, 19:46 ]
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dec 04 2006, 16:12
Registriran član #1094
Pridružen: jun 02 2004, 13:40

Sporočila: 121

Ena stran z sampli: http://www.sampletorrents.com/;

Kolk je zadeva legal pa nebi vedela-->Bo verjetno admin bolje presodil;

free sekcija:
Audiowerkstatt - http://members.liwest.at/web/audiowerk/apw.htm
Bass ...http://bassandtrouble.com/sounds/wavs3000/wavs3000.htm
Bass Culture - http://www.bassculture.org/
Cybergroove - http://www.cybergroove.de/e_index.htm
Breakbeats.co.uk - http://www.break-beats.co.uk/
Deltaz Samplez - http://www.deltaz-palaze.de/
Digital Improvization - http://www.digimpro.com/samples.html
DJ Acid Underground -

Dogbeats - http://www.dogbeats.co.uk/
Dooley Drums - http://www.dooleydrums.com/
Looza - http://www.hgb-leipzig.de/~ajoscht/...oops/loops.html
Drum Loop Central -

Phat Drum Loops - http://www.phatdrumloops.com/old_site/
Echo Vibes - http://www.echovibes.com/
E-Drummer - http://www.e-drummer.net/
E-Lab - http://www.e-lab.se/
Electronisounds - http://www.electronisounds.com/
Factory 42 - http://www.cpaterson.clara.net/
Findsounds - http://www.findsounds.com/
Soundwaves - http://tilt.largo.fl.us/samples/free.html
Funk Station - http://x-stream.fortunecity.com/kingsrd/58/
Future Wave Shaper - http://www.futurewaveshaper.com/
Ground Loops - http://www.groundloops.com/archive.htm
Hello Synthesizers - http://hello.to/synthesizers
Ignite - http://www.geocities.com/ignite_music/
Kalava Drum Archive - http://hem.passagen.se/lej97/kalava/
Loopasonic - http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~spufus/
Mean Beat - http://meanbeat.cjb.net
Moonman's Synth Place - http://synthplace.freeservers.com/
Musical Drugstore -

Music Machines at Hyperreal -

Musiksamples.de - http://www.musiksamples.de/
Nexus - http://digilander.iol.it/Geecko1/Index.html
Orchestra Samples -

Pinknoise - http://www.soundbank.hu/
Raw 42 - http://www.raw42.com/samples/
Rob Papen Sound Design - http://www.robpapen.com
SampleNet - http://www.samplenet.co.uk/
Dysmusax' Samples - http://www.dysmusax.cz/eng/
Skevens Music - http://titan.spaceports.com/~upbeat/
Sound Central - http://www.soundcentral.com/
Soundsproz - http://www.soundproz.com/
Speakerboy - http://www.thespeakerboy.com/
The Sample Shack - http://www.wyze.com/sampleshack/sampleshack.html
Tribe - http://mp3-tribe.com/
US r*ves - http://us-r*ves.com/

Waveform.dk - http://www.waveform.dk/
WaveSamples - http://www.wavesamples.cjb.net/
Wave World - http://www.modarchive.com/waveworld/
Joor - http://www.joor.com/
Drummachine.com - http://www.drummachine.com/newpages/sounds.html
Bizarre Ambient FX - http://sonikmatter.com/sounds/
Korg Wavestation Sounds -

Hakachukai's Samples -

Innards - http://perso.respublica.fr/innards/...es/samples.html
Jaspertronic Synthesizer Sounds -

Mellotron Samples -

Maldoror - http://vulcan.spaceports.com/~maldoror/
Oberheim Matrix-12 Samples - http://matrix-12.tripod.com/home.htm
Oneshot Samples - http://www.oneshotsamples.com/
Reelsounds.com - http://www.reelsounds.com/sounds.htm
Samples4U - http://go.to/samples4u.net
Zoolab - http://www.zoolabmusic.com/
Xelenio - http://www.xelenio.com/
http://www.littlemusicclub.com - Nice "real" soundeffects

Mr Nigel's vocal samples:


Sprobajte, bodo verjetno kateri linki vendarle delovali :p

Če pa želite več samplov & boljše sample pa marš v trgovino kupit!Star

bellezza2006-12-04 16:55:44

[ Urejeno dec 04 2006, 16:12 ]
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dec 17 2006, 17:13
Registriran član #1612
Pridružen: dec 10 2004, 23:51

Lokacija: Maribor
Sporočila: 741
ve kdo za kake božične sample?... zvončki... ipd.? tnx

[ Urejeno dec 17 2006, 17:13 ]
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