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JOURNEY TO HARDCORE - Hakkûh under the stars! @ Ljubljana, 25.8.2023
Moderatorji: Admin, David
Avtor Tema
jul 11 2023, 09:19
Registriran član #8259
Pridružen: jan 17 2017, 10:13

Sporočila: 133

JOURNEY TO HARDCORE - Hakkûh under the stars!
@ Ljubljana - Zalog @ 25.8.2023 @ 21.00Artists

PAYMON (Factory of Sound, Slovenia goes Hardcore)
HYPERSTATE (Factory of Sound, Slovenia goes Hardcore)
DARK PHOENX (Factory of Sound)
Hardstyle - Hardcore - Uptempo - Frenchcore - Raw - Euphoric - Pi Pi Pi
Contribution: 13€
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Mister Deejay